About Me

I am a platform engineer located in Ljubljana with more than a decate of working experience in the tech sphere. I am proficient with Linux, Mac and Windows Os as well as the agile methodology, IaC and "the cloud".
Since my early years I have had a thing for computers and everything tech related. In my teens I used to volunteer in cyberpipe what was the only hacker-space in Slovenia. I think of myself as reliable, resourceful, hard working and passionate for my profession. Learning new things does not present a problem but a opportunity for deeper understanding.
I dedicate my spare time to my partner, family and friends as i think that is a worthwhile investment.

Contact Details

Ivan Zupancic
Gorazdova ulica 3,
1000 Ljubljana,

+386 31 342486
Email Me


HashiCorp Ambassador 2024

Became a HashiCorp Ambassador - the first in Slovenia

HashiCorp User Group Organizer 2024

Started organizing the Ljubljana HashiCorp User Group

DevOps Days Organizer 2023

Initiator of DevOpsDays Ljubljana and part of the organization team

HashiTalks 2021

Title: Modernizing development and release workflow

Hashiconf 2019

Attended the hashiconf conference furthering my understanding of the tooling and direction


Head Of DevOps - Povio

Led the transformation inside the company to embrace a platform as a service model Sept 2022 - present

Started as a Senior DevOps engineer assigned to one of the biggest clients, where I helped standardize and mainstream processes like infrastructure changes. Since then I built an internal platform team and grew to several concurrent projects. Some of my responsibilities include ensuring infrastructure as code excellence, providing mentoring, coordinating team efforts, and managing client needs and wants.

Senior Platform engineer - Bloom&Wild

Platform engineer for one of Europe's biggest flower delivery company Nov 2021 - Aug 2022

As a senior platform engineer the primary goal was eliminating friction from development to delivery. Day to day operations included maintaining platform and services supporting older code base, offering support to developers and relavant stakeholders and ensure any issues were delt with swiftly.
I was also a part of the team that spearheaded development of a self serving microservice offering where developers can choose a long-lived or burstable instance, Lambdas. All the infrastructure work was templated and done trough Hashicorp Terraform. In the interim I also setup private github runners that ran on Bloom&Wild's infrastructure,
managed with Packer and Terraform.

Freelance DevOps consultant - geneplanet

DevOps Engineer and freelance consultant May 2020 - Nov 2021

Working with clients as a freelance DevOps and SRE consultant. Actively promoting ' The hashistack '. Currently working on a .net microserice framwork on top of MS Azure utilizing containers, Service plans, Function apps, App insights and CosmosDB to new a few. My work is setup and provisioned with IaC and terraform and thus not limited to a single cloud provider.
Interested in how to bring value with kubernetes and provide insights with prometheus monitoring.


DevOps Engineer November 2018 - May 2020

Working with Iac to provide developers with working infrastructure. AWS based. To achieve the goal used with terraform, nomad, vault,consul and consul templates, vagrant and packer.

MultiMedia Vision

System Administrator & System Operator November 2017 - November 2018

Working with VMware to ensure virtual machines for the dev environment work on the next generation of smart settop boxes. Maintaining and implementing periodic backups and disaster recovery plan. Improving software delivery with pipelines and incorporating them to the workflow.

Jozef Stefan Institute

System Administrator September 2015 - Februar 2017

Responsible for maintaining Windows and Linux servers and computers with virtualization - hyper V, firewall, AD user auth, updating programs, managing backups and validation.


College of Professional Studies

Mechatrocnics In Progress

Secondary School

Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering